All Parts are welcomed

Help you find your internal connection.

 What is Internal Family System and How does it work?

Have you ever felt like you had multiple voices inside your head? Maybe one voice tells you to take a risk, while another voice urges you to play it safe. This is actually a normal experience, and the IFS model helps us understand and work with these different parts of ourselves.

According to the IFS model, we all have many different parts inside of us, each with their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These parts can be protective, like an inner critic that tries to keep us safe by pointing out our flaws, or they can be vulnerable, like a wounded child that is afraid of being hurt.

The goal of IFS therapy is to help us better understand these parts and learn to relate to them in a more compassionate and productive way. By acknowledging and working with these parts, we can create more inner harmony and balance, which can lead to greater emotional and psychological well-being.

In IFS therapy, the therapist helps you identify and get to know your different parts. You might be asked to visualize each part as a separate person or character, with its own name and personality. Through this process, you can learn to communicate with each part, understand its needs and concerns, and work towards finding a more integrated and balanced sense of self.

Overall, the IFS model offers a unique and compassionate way to approach our inner experiences and create greater self-awareness and healing.