Common questions

  • What is your intake process?

Upon our initial communication, we will ask for your email address and send you a link to your therapist's online portal through Simple Practice so that you can conveniently complete the intake paperwork prior to our first appointment.

If you are coming in as a couple, we will need you and your partner's email addresses to set you both up.

The intake process is our "digital paperwork". It will ask for basic information about you (your address, demographic information, and some personal history). You will also have an opportunity to review and sign off on your therapist's business policies and procedures, as well as the informed consent and confidentiality agreements. We keep your credit card information securely on file so that the payment process is convenient for both you and your therapist. 

We are pleased to offer you this seamless option to complete the logistical portion of this process. It will also give your therapist an opportunity to review the information you'd like them to know about you before you meet.

  • What should I expect in the first session?

During the initial session, I spend time reviewing your history and assessing your mental health for any risk factors. If your status requires a higher level of care than I can provide in my office, I will provide you with referrals of other services in the areas that can better meet your needs.

In the first session, I will also work with you to create a treatment goal that guides our direction in therapy. In that way, I make sure that our time working together will focus on how to help you reach your desired results. Setting tangible goals at the beginning of therapy will ensure the success of your treatment.

  • How long does a session last?

Sessions often run at a 50-minute increment. Longer sessions are available upon request. My current longer session runs in a 75-minute increment. Depending on your needs and financial flexibility, you may opt for a longer session. Clients who are in couple and/or family counseling tend to request longer sessions. Please speak with your counselor for further assistance.

Please note that sessions start on time and end on time to respect the appointments of other clients.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

When you make an appointment, I reserve that time slot for you. Therefore, if you cannot make a session, please provide at least 48 hours of notice so I can make that time available to another client. For cancellations less than 48 hours, you will be charged for the session at the regular rate.

I understand that emergencies, such as illness, do arise, so please discuss this with me. However, cancellation due to work or other reasons besides medical emergencies will result in a charge. It is a good practice that you make plans around your appointment for therapy as your mental wellness deserves to be treated as important as the other things in your life.